
The current Mechanical Engineering Graduate Association (or simply MEGA) is actually the third organization to be formed for graduate students within The University of British Columbia’s Mechanical Engineering department.

The original organization was conceived in 2002 to program positive working and social relationships, and to foster an enhanced work and social environment between students, faculty and staff in the Mechanical Engineering Department. However, the organization was short-lived and fell apart before the start of the next academic year. In September 2003, a new executive for a renewed association was formed consisting of volunteers who wanted to contribute to making their graduate program more than just research and course work. Over the years, membership participation and interest dwindled until the organization disbanded.

The MEGA, which began in October 2009, is the third incarnation of an organization dedicated to representing and serving graduate students within UBC’s Mechanical Engineering department. Membership is open to all students registered in a graduate program within the UBC Mechanical Engineering Department.