Archives by date

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EIT and P.Eng. Info Session

EIT and P.Eng. Info Session

Next week we are welcoming a representative from EGBC to give a presentation and answer questions regarding the path to EIT and P.Eng. This event will be over Zoom on May 4th from 2:30-3:30pm. If you would like to receive the Zoom link, please RSVP here. The EGBC presenter will be Caroline Westra, see her bio below: […]

MECH/MEGA Student-Alumni Speed Networking Event

MECH/MEGA Student-Alumni Speed Networking Event

If you’re a current grad student in the Mech department, you should have received an email from Mech Eng Communications about our upcoming Speed Networking Event. This is your reminder to register before the remaining spots fill up! This will be a casual in-person event, catered with appetizers and drinks (one free drink ticket and […]