Department Demographics

This data is from 2021 and has been gathered from the following sources, where you can also find data on previous years:

You can find the department’s statement and information on equity, diversity, and inclusion here:

MEGA aims to foster an equitable and inclusive environment for graduate students in the Mech department, and we are committed to feedback and transparency regarding this.

TOTAL ENROLMENT – 235 graduate students

PhD: 86

MASc: 78

MEng (all streams): 52

MEL: 19


PhD: 19.8% female, 80.2% male

MASc: 15.4% female, 84.6% male

MEng (all streams): 19.2% female, 80.8% male

MEL: 5.3% female, 94.7% male


PhD: 32.2% domestic, 67.8% international

MASc: 27.8% domestic, 72.2% international

MEng (all streams): 32.7% domestic, 67.3% international

MEL: 5.3% domestic, 94.7% international


Overall in Mech graduate programs: 0.43% Indigenous students