Hi MEGAers,
Nominations are now open for the MEGA Executive roles, and you may nominate yourself here: https://forms.gle/ MR5dKWmRPQv2DenL8 . You may also nominate yourself at the AGM/Election, which will be held in-person on November 30th from 4-5pm in CEME 1203.
Please RSVP for the AGM/Election so that we can order enough food: https://forms.gle/jwamS8PdYrnm5bvq5

Please consider running for an executive position if you have any interest in getting more involved with MEGA! (Lots of our current executives are graduating soon so there’s plenty of room for involvement.) For most of the roles, the commitment is only 2 hours of internal meetings per month, typically on Zoom, and ~2 events per month. Descriptions of roles and responsibilities are below.
MEGA Executive Roles:
President- Ensures everything below runs smoothly, chairs meetings, liaison between MEGA and MECH faculty/staff/grad advisor, outreach to other engineering department graduate associations.
VP Internal– Takes meeting minutes and organizes documentation, attends MECH Local Safety Team meetings once a month, ensures others have what they need to organize events, internal conflict resolution if needed.
VP Communications- Handles MEGA email communications and social media, promotes events, creates posters, liaison between MEGA and MECH Communications.
VP Academic- Plans academic events, about once per month (workshops, networking events, professional speakers or panels, etc.)
VP Social- Plans social events, about once per month (coffee chats, pub nights, summer BBQ, hikes, etc.)
VP Finance- Handles reimbursements for events from MECH and GSS, prepares our budget once a year (in the summer).
GSS Representative- Attends GSS meetings once a month (free dinner), liaison between MEGA and GSS, ensures our Affiliate Organization status with GSS is current.
CUPE 2278 Department Representative- Attends DR meetings once a month (free dinner), liaison between MEGA and CUPE 2278, point of contact for TAs in the department.
Note: Typically we all work together on planning things or distributing tasks during our meetings, so don’t think you have to plan entire events yourself if you’re VP Academic or Social, for example. These are just a rough guideline of who keeps which wheels turning.
See https://mega.mech.ubc.ca/ about/executives/ if you’d like to know who currently has these roles, and feel free to contact them or reply to this email for more information.