MEGA has an exciting new joint Halloween party coming up next week, together with ECEGSA and BMEGA! This is our first collaboration with other engineering departments’ graduate student associations, and we hope it will be the beginning of more inter-engineering friendships and events.
There will be pumpkin carving and a costume contest, as well as plenty of snacks and drinks. Prizes will be awarded for the best pumpkin and costumes. Please feel free to come in costume, but we will also have masks, headwear, and face paint at the door if you forget. No signup necessary. Details below:
Date: Monday, October 31st
Time: 2-4pm
Location: KAIS 2020
Note: This is a separate event from our MECH Student/Faculty/Staff Halloween party, which is this Thursday from 1-3pm in CEME 2202 (RSVP: ). Feel free to come to both parties!
Hope to see you there!