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MEGA AGM and End of year party

MEGA AGM and End of year party

Hi everyone, We are having our general meeting on April 20th. The president will present a summary of the events of 2017-2018. We will also hold our elections!! MEGA has open executive positions for the upcoming year: President VP- Internal affairs VP- Academic VP- Communications VP- Finance VP- Social GSS representative Please contact Mega executives […]

MEGA Academic night

MEGA Academic night

MEGA Academic night held on Feb 26 was the first time MEGA organized an event related to career in academia. We would like to thank Dr. Boris Stoeber, Dr. Gwynn Elfring, and Dr. Mauricio Ponga for agreeing to attend the session and answering the questions asked by the students. The event had 35 attendees and […]

MEGA Annual Thanksgiving dinner

MEGA Annual Thanksgiving dinner

As is tradition, MEGA organized the Thanksgiving dinner for the graduate students. We were delighted that Dr. Sheldon Green and Dr. Gary Schajer could attend the dinner as well. Including guests the attendance was around 40.  October 13, being a Friday resulted in the attendees having high spirits as the week was coming to an […]